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Keywords: human resource development
Issue Date: 24-Mar-2019
Abstract: This study deals with the issue related to human resource development practices in the context of Public Sector Enterprises of Nepal( PEs). The study focuses on qualitative studies of selected six PEs for accessing the HRD practices in public sector enterprises of Nepal. I framed a principal research problem, how has HRD been practicing in PEs of Nepal? To explore the reality of this research problem, I conducted an in depth study focusing on human resource development mechanism adopted by PEs. This study reveals the HRD scenario particularly in relation to learn conceptual understanding of HRD mechanisms, problems and challenges, effectiveness of existing HRD mechanisms and efforts to improve HRD for meeting the goals of organization in this competitive business age of globalization. I followed qualitative research design within the horizon of interpretive paradigm based on ethnographic approach. The philosophical premises encompass ontological, epistemological, axiological and methodological assumptions in this study. The ontological assumption for this study subscribes as a qualitative researcher to the notion of multiple realities regarding human resource development practices and its effectiveness in the context of PEs in Nepal. My epistemological assumption for this study believes in subjective discourse that knowledge can be acquired through in-depth interview, detailed interactions with research participants, observations, document analysis and intensified literature reviews. However, my epistemological assumption is descriptive. I was fully aware of the matter that absolute truth is not possible. However, the axiological assumption in this research is that reality is socially constructed and the role of values which states that human nature is a determinant factor in research. The purpose of research is to authentically understand and consider it to be ethically real. I believe in the fact that I am aware of the issues of human rights, social justice and ethical principle but what we uncover as "knowledge" at present will not remain as it is because of the changing speed of HRD mechanism practice in the present scenario.
Appears in Collections:300 Social sciences

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